
Fertiliser Recommendation

Sulfur is one of the main nutrients of plants. Due to flue gas and gasoline desulfurisation the annual ubiquitous Sulfur input to soil has decreased from approximately 40 – 60 kg S/ha to only 5 – 10 kg S/ha. This is not any more sufficient to cover the demand of cultivated plants. So, a selective fertilization with sulfur is gaining more and more interest.

Sulfur for spraying:


Land Farming

rape, grain, turnip, maize, grassland

approximately 5-10 kg/ha

agrostulln gmbh
Werksweg 2
D-92551 Stulln

Tel. +49 (0) 94 35 / 30 69 0
Fax +49 (0) 94 35 / 30 69 14